Of all the workshops I present, one of my favourites is “The Connected Evaluator.” As the name suggests, it’s about being...

Self-Leadership – an unexpected discovery
In late 2016 I found myself in an unusually quiet time. I had wrapped up my year in Toastmasters as District 91 Director, and I had...

Ways of being in new beginnings
Today’s the first day of the next period of my teaching life. This week I start to get to know the students I’ll be working...

Three ways to stay fabulously, virtually, connected
Three ways to stay fabulously, virtually, connected Who could have imagined at the start of 2020 that we would shift so much into the...

Sharing Our Stage
I recently had the pleasure of hosting Toastmasters District 91’s table topics impromptu speaking contest. One of the privileges of...

Lessons from the Potter’s Wheel
I get my piece of clay that I have prepared in advance to remove the extra moisture and I slap it down on the wheel, I slap it down on...

My Dark Secret
I used to have a dark secret. One that was expensive and unpleasant to keep. It started when I was about 30, the first signs of this...

How to make big changes in work and in life…
When I joined a speakers club 12 years ago, I didn’t expect that it would lead me to doing a doctorate. And I really didn’t...

How Simple Stories can deliver Super Results
At some point in my childhood, it was concluded that I was not “the creative one” in my family. That label was assigned...

Who’s in control? You or the Targets?
For many years now I have operated in and advised target driven organisations. I’m competitive, I like to know where I am going...